Word Trek Vocabulary
Word Trek is a vocabulary study based on Greek and Latin word roots. Students are learning etymology - how English words are built from these ancient word parts.
astro = stars
astronaut=sailor of the stars
astro = stars
astronaut=sailor of the stars
Fillable copies of each lesson can be found in your Google ELA classroom.
Lesson 13
Word Parts homo (Greek), akin (Latin) = the same hydro(a) = water cide = a killer of, kill Lesson 14
Word Parts in = not inter = between, among intra = within, inside Lesson 15
Word Part ir = not Lesson 16
Word Parts mal = bad, wrongly, ill mater, matr = mother Lesson 17
Word Parts micro = small mis = wrong, opposite, lack of, failure lith = stone Lesson 18
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Grace Lutheran Church and School 7300 Division Street River Forest, IL 60305 (708) 366-6900 www.graceriverforest.org